Why you can’t get through your to do list

Why is it that you always talk yourself out of the things you thought you wanted to do?

Want to clean your house on Saturday morning? You can count on your brain trying to convince you to stay in bed for a sleep in. 

Planning on a Pilates class after work? A glass of wine while you cook the toddler dinner sounds easier right now. 

Want to get ahead on work emails Sunday night? You deserve some ice cream and Netflix instead.

Sound familiar? 

I’m hosting a free Plan Your Week Masterclass on Sunday January 15th, 2023 to talk through how to follow through on the things you want to do (but with ease + no inner mean girl).

Here are a few ways I’m managing my time as we head into 2023. 

Always honour the calendar

Productivity is important to me but like most mums, I don’t want to run myself into the ground with my to do list.

So I schedule in my appointments, book time to write blog posts and block out time for exercise.

When the time comes I know my brain will try and talk me out of it but I go ahead anyway, because (as you’ll see in the next point) I also set aside time to relax.

Set aside time to relax

Leaving lots of space in my calendar to relax makes the productive times far more easy to follow through on. Yes, there will always be dishes to do but when the free time comes, I don’t default to strapping on the rubber gloves.

I ask myself what feels best and go with it. 

And (shock) sometimes tidying the kitchen does feel like the most relaxing thing to do - if so, I go with that too.

Don’t add more to your plate

I keep a running to do list in the Reminders app of my phone and I’m sure you all have different apps and planners and systems for tracking your lists.

I keep this list as a “parking lot” so I don’t add more to my plate every day.

So often I see mums urgently head out to buy things that could clearly wait until next week, or push on when they or their toddler is sick. It’s not necessary and I’ll share more about that at the Masterclass

Do you try and talk yourself out of what you said you’d do as well?

Join me next Sunday to learn how to deal with procrastination, and the 2 minute exercise to find motivation when you’re dreading a task.

You can sign up for free here


How to Stop Feeling Like A Toddler’s Servant


How To Be More Positive At Work and Home