Think Your Goal Is Impossible To Reach?

You have this one life to live (as far as we know). And time is marching on.

And it's like…

Here, have a busy job, here have kids, take the mental load here, take the chores.

You probably did SMART goals back at school or whenever it's come up in your career in performance reviews, and it's ALWAYS quickly forgotten.

How do you actually get a big goal alongside your busy life?

That's the missing piece of all of this right?

That's why I created the Not Dead Yet program.

You're going to pick a goal and turn it up to full colour so you know exactly how life will feel when you have it.

Then we're going to look at all of the excuses that the brain brings up... I don't have the time. I don't have the energy. It's too late. I'm too disorganised. All of that we're going to deal with.

And literally in three months, you're going to be like, holy crap, I'm on the road to my new career, or my health goal or my money goal, or whatever your Not Dead Yet goal is.

I promise you in 12 weeks, you'll think, who was that person that stepped into this program?

The price tag is nothing compared to what you're going to feel at the end of this program, let alone the fact that you can just apply it again and again and again.

So at the end of the first 12 weeks, let's do another goal. The end of the next 12 weeks... let's do another goal.

I have achieved so many goals using this process. I've taken so many clients through this process and now you're going to do it! 


Finding Time For Your Goal


Not Dead Yet Is Open for Enrollment