What I Learnt From Brené Brown
Life Tools Georgie Bryant Life Tools Georgie Bryant

What I Learnt From Brené Brown

I have managed to resist Brené Brown’s work for years, until I finally succumbed and watched her TED talk - one of the most popular of all time.

What then followed was a (accepted!) recommendation of her book The Power of Vulnerability. I downloaded the audio book and the 6 hours and 31 minutes were devoured in just four days.

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5 Productivity Apps for Smarter Phone Use
Life Tools Georgie Bryant Life Tools Georgie Bryant

5 Productivity Apps for Smarter Phone Use

Have you ever wondered if you can make your phone work for you rather than against you?

I know most of us feel guilty about the amount of time we spend scrolling, but what if you could enjoy that time and use your phone to make you more productive?

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