When You Can’t Be Bothered

As the queen of planning my week, I was feeling a big sense of “ugh” as I sat down to plan a couple of weeks ago.

My life admin list was huge, I had a busy week of work and I was feeling the “Groundhog Day” vibe about parenting – yes, swimming lessons, gymnastics, homework again…yay.

Something you probably forget to plan into your week, too, is STUFF TO LOOK FORWARD TO.

Or even better, things that are already on your calendar that you FORGOT you look forward to…

Let’s break mine down day by day:

  1. Monday: I was excited to coach my amazing clients

  2. Tuesday: Is the only afternoon we can just chill after school … that’s something to look forward to

  3. Wednesday: I take a notebook to swimming lessons and just brainstorm about business and life, I love this time. Plus V is getting so good at swimming, I love looking up and seeing her go!

  4. Thursday: dance class, always a blast

  5. Friday: my co-working day in the city where I get to go in and hang out with awesome people and get out of the house

Now, it’s your turn.

How can you take the mundane and look forward to it?

Or if there’s nothing that day, how can you create something you look forward to? e.g., your morning coffee, your evening cocktail, or a walk outside?

Let me know if this is helpful!

If you want my planning process to take into the next week, grab my workshop here!

Or, if you want to do it together on a call, book a Power Hour.


It’s Here – The Unlock Your Time Podcast!


Do You Have Tall Poppy Syndrome?