The One Routine I Struggle To Nail

Evening routines… the one area I struggle to nail

In fact, I got 3 months worth of coaching on that topic earlier this year.

I have learnt so much in this area but first some background.

Firstly, I don’t really want to have a strict evening routine. I have a morning routine, I have a general work day routine, and by the evening I’m not up for ticking any more things off the list.

But this had my organised mind feeling like a lost puppy.

I’d get V to bed and then be like… should I watch TV? (If I’m not committed to a show this looks like 30 mins of going through Netflix and then giving up, OR putting something on and then reading my phone – handy).

Should I read my book? (usually it’s hard for me to slow down and do this right after parenting).

Should I do a Yoga with Adriene video? (ugh, pulling out my mat sounds hard, plus I’ve been busy and just want to flop on the couch).

Should I pour a glass of wine? Should I sit and snack? Yes! Haha, this was usually where I ended up.

Karin Nordin shared something inside her Balanced Bedtimes course that stuck with me big time:

We have experienced a boat load of emotions during the day. Maybe work or parenting has been super stressful, maybe we’ve felt anxious, overwhelmed, chaotic, panicked. Maybe we had an interaction with someone that left us worried or overthinking things.

Add in the day to day chores of being an adult, which generally leave you feeling like life is pretty relentless, and by 8pm it’s no wonder I’m craving a glass of wine.

So what do we do?

  1. Check in on your emotions!! Why do we not do this?! Once I started doing this I was thinking, wow, my shoulders are up near my ears. Wow, when I recap the day, I really did a lot and FELT a lot today. This short check in will really calm down your nervous system and give YOU a hot minute to feel taken care of.

  2. Karin shared this great concept about a ‘taking care of you’ list. She shared the example of if you had someone look after your dog. You might list “feed them at 6pm” but you might also say “their favourite toy is this earless bunny” or “they like to be scratched behind the ears.” What is your equivalent? A hot shower? Grabbing that nice blanket you like? Putting on relaxing music?

So the homework from this post is basically – treat yourself like a puppy, haha! (and check in on your feelings at the end of the day).

Happy evenings ahead!


Why You Lose It (+ 1:1 Coaching is Open!)


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