Inside My Morning Routine

Let me just say, without my morning routine, my life would be in a bit of a shambles.

I never really have a good day if I can't get it in, but luckily I do about 99% of the time.

Resetting your mind and getting your head on straight for the day is really, really important.

Most people I know, most clients I work with, they wake up pretty grumpy. Their mindset is “I’ve got to do this all over again” or “My kids are already crawling on me” or “I’ve got work coming out of my ears.”

Life demands a lot from us and a few minutes to yourself is going to help so much.

I know everyone’s schedule is different. Your morning routine could be five minutes,it that could be an hour, but please put in a few practices to help you if you haven’t already.

My Morning Routine

  1. I get coffee straight away. That motivates me to get out of bed so find your equivalent – maybe it’s a cosy blanket on the couch, putting those under eye masks on, a workout. What is the thing that will get you out of bed?

  2. I then stretch or do a mobility routine. I’m not an early workout person anymore but waking up my body with some sort of movement really helps me wake up my mind as well. Yes I sip coffee while I stretch!

  3. Next up, I sit down and journal and coach myself. I get all the things out of my head, anything that's bugging me, anything that’s worrying me about the day ahead. Sometimes I also plan out my day at this point. In all of my programs, I teach you how to coach yourself and plan your time, so head to this page if that’s of interest.

  4. After that, I aim to read my book – this feels like real self care time and always feels way better than jumping on Instagram straight away. I do have some mornings on Instagram but I notice I feel better when I read instead.

Your homework:

  • Come up with 2 or 3 practices you can do in the morning and try it this week.

  • Notice if you feel any different and of course report back if you’re up for sharing with me!


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