I Just Found My Jan 2024 Goals…

Subject: I just found my Jan 2024 goals… 

Confession: They were in a drawer underneath a few old hard drives and light globes.

Not exactly front of mind...

But I put my big girl pants on and got them out to see what Georgie of 6 months ago was dreaming of.

Amazingly, I've already reached a couple just because they are on my mind day to day, but there are definitely ones I haven't been focusing on at all.

But because they still feel important to me, I decided to do a reset.

  1. I pulled out the Wheel of Life I use with my clients

  2. I mapped out how I was feeling about each area of my life (health, relationships, career, etc.)

  3. I saw the areas I don't need to focus on because they're feeling good and the ones that are feeling a bit crappy

Voila, now I know where to spend my energy in the coming months.

I'll be back later with more mid-year tips!

PS: Interested in doing the Wheel of Life for yourself? It's inside The Mid-Year Reset, which you can grab for $49 through July 7th. 


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