How To Feel Like You Have Plenty Of Time
I can’t even count how many times people said to me, “You think you’re busy now — well, wait until the baby comes.”
This felt like a pretty negative, fear-inducing statement to make to a pregnant woman, but I’m sure they were coming from the same place of indoctrination.
Once I had my daughter, I certainly understood what those well-meaning people meant. Much of my day was spent feeding her, changing nappies and trying to convince her to sleep. But I can also say I spent more time reading books and playing games on my phone (hello Cooking Craze!) than I probably ever had in my life. I began to wonder if I had more free time than I thought.

How to Use the Lessons of Hypnobirthing to Change Everything
When they say that having a baby changes everything, I now realise they didn’t mean it in a positive way.
After reading The Happiness Trap many moons ago, I had a breakthrough and realised (shock) my thoughts were not the truth. What I hadn’t realised until I was pregnant, was that my overarching beliefs are not the truth either.