My Workday Routine
I put out a poll on my Instagram to see what “behind the scenes” routine you wanted to see from my day, and my workday routine was the winner. Come behind the scenes!

Off Routine In The Holidays?
Our brains, by nature, LOVE routine.
That can all go out the window during the holidays, so if you're freaking out, breathe.
You are normal. Here’s what to do next.
Ideas for your Evening Routine
Who doesn’t love a peek inside someone’s routine?
I haven’t shared my evening routine since before kids, so click through to read what life is like now.

How to Become A Morning Person (Even with A Toddler)
I truly believed that I was never built to be a morning person.
As a teenager I remember cringing as my dad chirped ‘Morning!’ as I dragged myself out of my bedroom to the kitchen, wishing I could quietly lie on the floor and sleep for another two hours.