A Peek Inside My Own Time Tracker

Growing up in the ‘90s, I can think of countless amazing high school movies and TV shows that involved students embracing and crowding around a hole on campus lowering a time capsule into the ground.

I thought it was such a cool concept, but my school never did it.

So I started doing it years later on a lesser scale, using a time tracker thanks to Laura Vanderkam.

I went back to my 2018 time tracker recently and immediately felt exhausted that past Georgie had done all this by 10.30am on a Monday morning. Lol.

Both you and I are entrenched in a society that praises productivity and being busy.

Women tell me rightly all the time that they feel like they’re drowning, that they’re suffocating under the weight of their to do list, that they’re doing the bare minimum when it comes to self care.

So first, if you feel that way sometimes/all the time, you’re not alone.

Secondly, that freaking sucks.

Read it again.

You’re drowning.

You’re suffocating.

You’re doing the bare minimum of self care. Is that the life you really want?

If it’s not, here’s your first step.

Download my time tracker and track one weekday and one weekend day (I promise there’s no such thing as the perfect day to track, so pick whatever suits you).

Either keep it open on your computer or phone that day, or fill it out at the end of the two days.

Then follow the instructions I’ll send in the email on how to rate your day and what you want to get rid of or delegate.

Let me know how it goes!

PS: Many of you have been on the waitlist for The Balanced Mum Method, my signature course for mums. I’ll be sharing a very affordable, exciting option around this soon, so keep an eye on my blog and emails.


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