Do You Have A Million Tabs Open?

If you’ve been following me on IG​, you’d have heard my schedule has changed a lot the last few weeks and I’ve been slipping back into some bad habits…

  • Checking work emails and messages as soon as I wake up

  • Having a million tabs open on my computer browser

  • Not being able to focus because of all of the above!

So – I was chatting to my coach last week (yes of course, I have a coach) and after she asked me some amazing questions, she asked me how I wanted things to be.

And I said “I just want to open the door on what I’m doing, and then close the door on it when I’m done.”

So when I’m working, I want to be working (not checking IG, thinking about other things, going to the pantry when I’m overwhelmed, etc etc!), when I’m parenting, I want to be parenting, and when I’m watching TV, I want to be watching TV (not checking messages and emails).

Just a few days in and this is working an absolute treat.

Every time I find myself feeling overwhelmed, I ask myself “what am I working on… what have I opened the door on?” If I’m overwhelmed, it’s usually because I have a few doors open!

Try it this week.

Even if you’ve opened the door on busier times, like checking emails and messages, or chaotic family time, just be within that, not in a number of other places.

Open the door on what you’re doing, then close the door on it when you’re done. No need to think about it any further.


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