How to Make Your Energy Last All Day
It’s taken me a long time to learn this but ‘pushing through’ is no longer the best way to get my to do list done and is a surefire way to run out of steam.
So what can you do instead?

Are You Tired Of Saying “I Have To”?
On a typical day in your life, how often do you use the phrase “I have to”?
“I have to do the groceries.”
“I have to go to this work meeting.”
“I have to work out.”

The Number One Question To Ask Your Inner Critic
A client came to me last week, lamenting how busy she is at work. She let me know she was “keeping on top of everything”, but based on the sheer volume of tasks and her available time, she was worried about the quality of work she was producing for her clients.
I asked her, “Have you had any negative feedback from clients about the quality of your work?”
She answered, “No.”

How To Feel Like You Have Plenty Of Time
I can’t even count how many times people said to me, “You think you’re busy now — well, wait until the baby comes.”
This felt like a pretty negative, fear-inducing statement to make to a pregnant woman, but I’m sure they were coming from the same place of indoctrination.
Once I had my daughter, I certainly understood what those well-meaning people meant. Much of my day was spent feeding her, changing nappies and trying to convince her to sleep. But I can also say I spent more time reading books and playing games on my phone (hello Cooking Craze!) than I probably ever had in my life. I began to wonder if I had more free time than I thought.

What I Learnt From Brené Brown
I have managed to resist Brené Brown’s work for years, until I finally succumbed and watched her TED talk - one of the most popular of all time.
What then followed was a (accepted!) recommendation of her book The Power of Vulnerability. I downloaded the audio book and the 6 hours and 31 minutes were devoured in just four days.