My Workday Routine
I put out a poll on my Instagram to see what “behind the scenes” routine you wanted to see from my day, and my workday routine was the winner. Come behind the scenes!
Our Three Brains
My very rational planning brain wanted to know – is intuition a thing? Am I making these thoughts up? What part of us is really talking about in these situations?
Some Great Books To Read
An insight into my coaching style, plus all my favourite books in one place.
How Are Your Goals Going? Try This Tweak
I’m sharing what I’ve seen actually work over the last 10 years with people achieving their goals (and my own funny goal I’m working on right now).
Get My Planning Process (for free!)
The Let’s Get Digital bundle is live and my Plan Your Week Workshop is included inside!
What To Do On Frantic Days
Getting caught up in the frantic feelings of the day is easy, but it feels AWFUL.
But how can you make every booked activity intentional if your schedule is packed?
Will You Fail At Your New Year’s Resolution?
There’s more chance of reaching your resolutions than you think. But another statistic may trip you up.
How Your Brain Works Around Goals
Meet the two parts of your brain: the Barking Dog and the Wise Owl, and learn how to use them to reduce your overthinking about goals.
How Goals Actually Work
Changing your environment or even your behaviours is not the way to lasting change this year. Find out what really needs to change.
Remember…You’re Not Dead Yet
You probably think it’s too late for some of your goals too, or you’re past it, but what if you remember… you’re not dead yet?!