How Slowly Can I Do It?
Self Care Georgie Bryant Self Care Georgie Bryant

How Slowly Can I Do It?

I wanted a new pace in 2025. 

The end of 2024 felt intense. I was desperately trying to stay calm, focused and on top of my to-do list while messages, notifications and calls flooded in…

So I came up with this.

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When Minimal Self Care is All You Can Manage
Self Care Georgie Bryant Self Care Georgie Bryant

When Minimal Self Care is All You Can Manage

A lot of people say they are in disbelief about my morning routine.

They roll out of bed and straight into their day, and roll straight back into bed at night after all the chores are done.

They tell me I’m too positive and that I can’t actually enjoy getting up at 6am to take care of myself when I could be sleeping instead.

What I’ve realised recently is that looking after myself is the entire foundation of what keeps my life ticking in the way I want it to.

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How to Make Fun and Relaxation Your Weekend Priorities
Time Management Georgie Bryant Time Management Georgie Bryant

How to Make Fun and Relaxation Your Weekend Priorities

Lots of parents find weekends difficult. They spend the whole weekend caring for children, cooking and cleaning, and by Sunday night they’re happy it’s over.

Or they might cram the weekend full of fun activities and then feel the Sunday blues as the weekend comes to an end.

So how do you balance family and chores and fit in fun and relaxation on the weekend?

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