Next Round of The Balanced Mum Method Starts Soon
Read about how The Balanced Mum Method was born and join us for the next round starting Monday, June 19.

Stop Feeling Guilty For Relaxing
Mums I work with often struggle with relaxing without guilt day to day.
If that’s you, here’s three ways to combat your phobia of relaxing.

How To Be More Positive At Work and Home
The reason we feel so guilty and “not enough” is because our brains are wired to look for the negative.
Try this quick exercise to improve your positive thoughts at work and home.

Do you chase change (then freak out when it arrives)?
We work towards change, then feel overwhelmed with stress, and even panic, when it arrives.
So why do we chase change? And why can’t we handle it effortlessly when it arrives?

July Recap and August Intentions
Back to London town in July and some big business and personal intentions for August 2022!

May Recap and June Intentions
The return of my monthly recap and intention posts! (est. 2014!)

Why Habits Work Better Than Goals
Resolutions and goals are all well and good but I’m far more interested in the habits that we have day to day.
And the reason we want to create habits is because they make our life easier, not harder and they provide daily, immediate rewards.
A lot of people think they don't have time for habits or that habits are too hard. But I promise they’ll make life so much better.

Three Questions to Feel Balanced As A Mum
Balance is something us mums are always wishing for.
We wonder, how can we perform at work, and be present with our kids, and keep the house going, and not feel completely weighed down and like we’re running out of time every day?

How to Stop Yelling At Your Kids
When I became a parent, I was extremely shocked to find out that there was a monster living inside me.
A monster who yelled very loudly.
That yelling also often felt completely “out of the blue”.
I was really mortified by this side of myself, as are most mums I talk with.
You might feel ashamed about yelling, but I want you to know that I’ve found the solution.

Why You Should Do A Thought Download Every Day
I spent most of last year trying to get better and more consistent with journaling my thoughts.
I have to admit I really only dabbled - I preferred doing yoga and some meditation in the morning and by the time I was ready for bed, the thought of writing pages on my inner most musings sounded exhausting.
Even though I saw benefits from journaling, including more gratitude and better sleep, it never really stuck.
I have become much more consistent with the practice and am using Brooke Castillo’s strategy of thought downloads.