Part Time Hours, Full Time Guilt
Every Mum that comes to me feels some form of guilt around their part time working hours, as well as:
guilt about how often they’re putting their kids in childcare… and also
guilt for not loving every second of work OR motherhood.
Read on for some strategies to stop feeling guilty.
September Recap and October Intentions
It’s the greatest time of the year - my birthday month! Haha.
Let’s take a look back at September and into October…

Do you chase change (then freak out when it arrives)?
We work towards change, then feel overwhelmed with stress, and even panic, when it arrives.
So why do we chase change? And why can’t we handle it effortlessly when it arrives?

July Recap and August Intentions
Back to London town in July and some big business and personal intentions for August 2022!

How to Make Your Energy Last All Day
It’s taken me a long time to learn this but ‘pushing through’ is no longer the best way to get my to do list done and is a surefire way to run out of steam.
So what can you do instead?

June Recap and July Intentions
Find out what I did (and didn’t!) get done in June and where I’m off to in July.
Ideas for your Evening Routine
Who doesn’t love a peek inside someone’s routine?
I haven’t shared my evening routine since before kids, so click through to read what life is like now.

May Recap and June Intentions
The return of my monthly recap and intention posts! (est. 2014!)

Sometimes You Want To Yell
Every emotional outburst is not a failure. We’re beginners at parenting and will always be.

Why Habits Work Better Than Goals
Resolutions and goals are all well and good but I’m far more interested in the habits that we have day to day.
And the reason we want to create habits is because they make our life easier, not harder and they provide daily, immediate rewards.
A lot of people think they don't have time for habits or that habits are too hard. But I promise they’ll make life so much better.