Mum Guilt (and what to do about it)
Why do we feel guilty? Where’s the compassion for all we’re doing? Let’s have a look at why and then try something new.
How to Stop Resenting Your Partner
I can’t think of a mum I’ve worked with who didn’t resent their partner when we started working together.
They think they do way more than their spouse. They envy the free time their partner has, or the naps they take, or the way they breeze out the door to work... They stomp around the house doing everything, thinking if they do enough (and stomp loud enough), their partner will eventually notice. Maybe they’ll finally say thank you, or maybe they’ll actually pull their weight.
Why Overwhelm Will Never Help You
It’s no surprise to you that one of the most common emotions we feel as women and mums is overwhelm.
Last August when it was announced by the government that childcare was closing for at least 6 weeks, I felt a sea of overwhelm wash over me.
“How on Earth was I going to balance work and solo parenting and my business and not totally drown?”
When Minimal Self Care is All You Can Manage
A lot of people say they are in disbelief about my morning routine.
They roll out of bed and straight into their day, and roll straight back into bed at night after all the chores are done.
They tell me I’m too positive and that I can’t actually enjoy getting up at 6am to take care of myself when I could be sleeping instead.
What I’ve realised recently is that looking after myself is the entire foundation of what keeps my life ticking in the way I want it to.
How to Make Fun and Relaxation Your Weekend Priorities
Lots of parents find weekends difficult. They spend the whole weekend caring for children, cooking and cleaning, and by Sunday night they’re happy it’s over.
Or they might cram the weekend full of fun activities and then feel the Sunday blues as the weekend comes to an end.
So how do you balance family and chores and fit in fun and relaxation on the weekend?
Why Playing With Your Kids Is Boring
Have you ever wondered if there’s mums out there who love being around their kids 24/7?
Mums that lavish in hours and hours of play time and never need time for themselves?
Can we all agree that unicorns don’t really exist?
I regularly hear from mums who feel incredibly guilty that they don’t love playing with their kids for long periods of time.
How to Manage Parenting and PMS
Have you ever wondered why some days it’s so much harder to parent than others?
Have you ever found yourself snapping at your children like you’re having a weird out of body experience?
Last week I posted on my Instagram that I was struggling with my toddler.
I couldn’t work out if she was in a bad mood that day or if it was my PMS looming.
What to Do When You’re In A Slump
Do you feel like you should have an endless supply of energy?
No matter the season, or your workload, or your number of kids, do you always want to feel energetic and able to do everything on your to do list?
You’re not alone.
3 Ways to Share the Load At Home
Have you ever looked around your home and wondered how you ended up taking on the majority of the chores, a lot of the parenting, and the mental load of every single detail of your children’s lives?
You’re running out of freezer meals, your son’s child care backpack zip is broken, and your daughter’s pants are looking too short.
How to Plan Your Day in Lockdown
As iso day blurred into the next iso day, I was starting to feel like time was truly dragging.
Some mornings I was dreading the day by 8am, and others I was watching the hands of the clock like a hawk as we limped towards my toddler’s bedtime.
Cabin fever felt like a real thing as we went from room to room to play throughout the day. I would groan on rainy days, knowing we couldn’t really even get out for our daily exercise.