Sunday Blues and Dread
Early in my career I had a job I loved and a boss I loathed.
Every Sunday I would wake up with a feeling of dread in my stomach, anxious about Monday.
I thought I was the strangest person in the world. My boyfriend didn’t feel this way, most of my friends seemed to like their jobs, and my family didn’t speak in this way. There was definitely something wrong with me.
Cure Your Overwhelm in 12 Weeks Or Less
Watch my livestream where I cover how to cure your overwhelm and have the smooth schedule you want as a Mum.
A Smoother, Easier life
Read all about how you’ll feel when you’ve completed The Balanced Mum Method.
We start June 19 so book your Discovery Call soon!
Click through to read more.
If You Feel Like You Can Never Slow Down
Reminder: I’m taking 6 mums through The Balanced Mum Method group coaching program from Monday, June 19.
For 12 weeks, you’ll get daily support to solve all the issues you're facing as a busy, stretched mum right now.
If you’ve had enough of feeling stuck and are ready for some momentum, coaching is the absolute right choice.
Next Round of The Balanced Mum Method Starts Soon
Read about how The Balanced Mum Method was born and join us for the next round starting Monday, June 19.
Stop Feeling Guilty For Relaxing
Mums I work with often struggle with relaxing without guilt day to day.
If that’s you, here’s three ways to combat your phobia of relaxing.
What To Do On Exhausting Days
There are some days as Mums where you are just not feeling it. You wake up grumpy, you have a broken night of sleep, you just feel off for no real reason.
I give my clients these questions on their less than ideal days, and you can use them too.
How To Work With Your Kids Around
I know these tips will help you become that career person and mum you want to be – someone productive yet relaxed and not losing it at the kids.
Savor Time With Your Kids
Let’s talk about slowing time down and savouring time with our little kids.
It’s easy to say, but when we’re in it, you’re usually always waiting for bed time, nap time, TV time, frankly any time to yourself. This technique will change this for you!
Find More Time To Yourself
Do you think you have no time for yourself? And any time you have (say that 1 hour of Gabby’s Dollhouse you give your toddler during the day) is filled with dishes, folding laundry and picking up the house?
Read on for how to get more time and the 3 questions to ask yourself to follow through on down time just for you.